Are you being called every day of the week by a collection agency attempting to collect on your outstanding debt? Do they call at random hours of the day, even late in the evening or early mornings? Millions of Americans are in serious debt right now. The average household credit card debt alone is $15,310! What many don’t know, however, is that many actions by debt collection agencies are strictly prohibited by federal laws.
The buying and selling of debt is a big business like any other, with debt buyers purchasing people’s debt for as little as three to ten cents on the dollar. The older your debt, the cheaper it sells for, and the more profit a collector stands to make. Debt buyers and collection agencies too often do whatever it takes to collect on debts, even breaking the law.
Consumers are currently protected by two laws set forth to prohibit predatory behavior: the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. It’s important for consumers to understand their rights under these acts, which are supported by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and consumer law attorneys like Jibrael S. Hindi of Fort Lauderdale.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act aims to protect consumer privacy by restricting the actions of unlawful debt collectors. Though it was enacted in 1978, many companies continue to break the law by continuing to perform the following actions which are strictly prohibited:
Calling you at inconvenient times early in the morning or late in the evening, before 8 AM or after 9 PM or at any time they have been told is not a good time to call.
Under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, calls and texts made through the use of automatic dialing systems and prerecorded messages are prohibited if the targets of such communications did not expressly consent to them. If you did not consent to hear from Accounts Receivable Management, they are breaking the law. You can consider taking legal action with a Miami TCPA attorney if you have been the target of incessant phone calls from collectors. Each TCPA violation could bring $500 to $1500 per call or text.
In 2013 Accounts Receivable Management was sued by Tiffany N. Thorne, a Florida resident who initiated a class action lawsuit on behalf of everyone in Florida who received unlawful communications from the company.
In 2010, Throne received a message from Accounts Receivable that asked her to return the call at the phone number provided, but it did not state who was calling, nor the purpose of the call. This is a direct violation of the FDCPA which requires collectors to disclose their identity and inform consumers that any information they provide will be used for the purpose of debt collection. The call was also likely in violation of the TCPA if it was placed using an automated dialing system. The matter was settled for $19,790.05.
The phone number for Accounts Receivable Management is 1-888-548-8829 or 856-931-4500. If you receive communications from these numbers, remain vigilant. Find out how you may stand to receive $500 to $1500 per call or text with the counsel of a Florida TCPA attorney like Jibrael S. Hindi and his experienced team of consumer law attorneys. Call The Law Offices of Jibrael S. Hindi at 1-844-JIBRAEL or contact us online today.
Other Numbers Accounts Receivable Management, Inc. may be calling from:
253 – 253-348-2797
800 – 800-220-3350
856 – 856-931-4500
866 – 866-932-6731, 866-932-6750, 866-932-6768
912 – 912-353-1900