When you have outstanding debt with a credit card company you become a target of debt collectors. Whether it is the original creditor or a collection agency, you run the risk of becoming the victim of debt collection harassment. Only a minority of debt collection agencies attempt to collect on debt in a respectful manner, which is why consumer protection laws came into existence. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) are enforced by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and consumer law attorneys like Jibrael S. Hindi to protect the privacy of people who are targeted by debt collectors. Even if you do not owe a debt, if you now have the old phone number of someone who does, you may yourself be a target of ceaseless calls and text messages.
The FDCPA, passed by the Federal Trade Commission, outlines a number of common debt collection tactics that are actually illegal because they constitute harassment and seek to invade your privacy. By banning these behaviors, it is expected that collectors will shift from using harsh tactics to fair collection methods. This is hardly the case in these times where there are so many communication channels. The most common behaviors that are banned by this act include:
A collector like Medicredit can mask their company by utilizing several phone numbers that seem random to the person receiving the calls. This company, based in St. Louis, Missouri, sometimes appears as 800-823-2318. In the past, Medicredit has been accused of breaking several laws that are explicitly prohibited by the FDCPA and the TCPA.
Medicredit is not accredited with the Better Business Bureau. The company has no rating on the BBB’s website, only complaints. Over three years, consumers have reported 250 incidents with the BBB alone about their wrongful business practices. Medicredit has also been summoned to court numerous times since 2012. According to consumer complaints, the company has been guilty of the following illegal behaviors:
When debt collectors come after you, you should contact a Florida TCPA attorney right away. Their malicious actions can have you losing even more money and privacy. It is important to never exchange sensitive information over the phone. Instead, find out how the Law Offices of Jibrael S. Hindi can help you win $500 to $1500 per call. Attorney Jibrael S. Hindi and his team will represent you for FREE if they determine that you have a case. Call 1-844-JIBRAEL or contact us online today.
The Medicredit phone number often shows up as 800-823-2318, but they can utilize several numbers with slight variations from this one.
Medicredit is a debt collector.
Medicredit is not allowed to call you before 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. without your permission. This is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission.