Identity fraud is rampant in the United States, which is why there are several protections for consumers who use a bank or credit card to make purchases. Millions are affected by identity fraud every day, particularly in Florida which holds first place for having the most complaints and fraud in the nation, with over 186 complaints for every hundred thousand people. There are several protections at the state and federal level to combat fraud, including the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, or FACTA.
FACTA is designed to protect consumers at the point of sale. One of its main provisions is the truncation of credit and debit card digits. Under FACTA, no retailer may print more than the last 5 digits of your credit or debit card on an electronically-printed paper receipt. In addition, no part of the card’s expiration date may be printed anywhere on the receipt. This is FACTA’s only provision that instills punitive damages for violations — retailers can face fines of between $100 and $1000 for printing too much information, even if it was done so by mistake.
Most recently, pet store giant Pet Supermarket, a big chain throughout South Florida, has faced allegations of printing too much credit card information on customer receipts. Plaintiff Eric Kirchein claimed that Pet Supermarket “regularly prints more than five digits of customers’ credit card numbers on all receipts.”
Mr. Kirchein filed a claim against Pet Supermarket after being handed his receipt in a Sunrise, Florida store. This receipt, for a $13 purchase, displayed ten digits of the credit card he used — double what is allowed by the federal law.
Pet Supermarket was hit with a proposed class action suit to cover for the many customers who have had their sensitive information revealed. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act was enacted over ten years ago in 2006. When it was enacted, the law provided retailers with 3 years to reach compliance.
Mr. Kirchein seeks statutory and punitive damages for the alleged violations. If Pet Supermarket is found guilty of these violations, he could receive between $100 and $1000 per violation.
If you have been shocked to discover too much sensitive information printed on a receipt, you too could be eligible for damages. Speak with a knowledgeable attorney like Jibrael S. Hindi about your FACTA case for free by calling 1-844-JIBRAEL or contacting The Law Offices of Jibrael S. Hindi here. You won’t pay a dime until Jibrael recovers for you .