Anybody with outstanding credit card, student loan, or even medical debt can be a target of predatory debt collection agencies. With the average person’s debt a whopping $5,000, it’s no wonder so many debt collectors cannot control themselves when they try to collect on debt. Collectors stand to make a huge profit when they collect, as debt can be purchased for as little as three to ten cents on the dollar.
Receivables Management Corporation of America is just one debt collection agency out of dozens that has been accused of violating two very important pieces of legislation intended to protect consumers like you: the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, both backed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and consumer law attorneys.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act aims to protect consumer privacy by restricting the actions collectors can take. The law went into effect in 1978 but to this day too many collection agencies ignore it. The following actions are prohibited under the FDCPA, yet are commonly taken
Exaggerating the amount that you owe.
…and many more.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act seeks to protect you from unwanted solicitations that can come through by landline and wireless telephone. These days, it is common to receive calls and text messages placed by automatic dialing systems, and prerecorded messages to your house or cellular phone. Such communications are prohibited if you did not consent to them. You have the right to consider legal action with the help of a knowledgeable Miami TCPA attorney. Each TCPA violation could bring $500 to $1500 per call or text.
Receivables Management Corporation of America is based in Arkansas and has operated since 1941. The company is small with just about 20 employees. In 2013 the company allegedly mailed a collection letter to Arkansas resident Kim Craig regarding a debt. The letter itself included language that was deceptive to consumers and in violation of the FDCPA. The matter was eventually settled.
Receivables Management Corporation of America may call from their main lines: 1-870-535-1220 and 1-877-448-2302. They may also call from an unrecognizable number to trick you into answering the phone. Find out if you qualify for $500 to $1500 per call or text with the counsel of a Florida TCPA attorney like Jibrael S. Hindi and his experienced team of consumer law attorneys. Call The Law Offices of Jibrael S. Hindi at 1-844-JIBRAEL today.