Has your unpaid debt gone into collections? You may be receiving unrelenting calls from a debt collector as a result. Many people choose to simply ignore these calls and continue on with their lives. This is not the best option. Not only will third party collection agencies continue to contact you, but the debt collector can report your delinquent debt to the credit bureau and even seek legal action. Millions of Americans may be in debt, but debt relief is possible; it starts with addressing your debt head-on.
When a debt collector is reaching out to you requesting payment, request proof of the debt in writing. Do not take what the individual on the phone is saying as fact. There are many instances when collection departments make random calls in an effort to collect on a debt that may have been paid or belongs to another individual. This is most common when a debt has been sold to a debt buyer without all of the necessary documents detailing who the debt belongs to.
Debt collectors have five days to send you proof of your debt after contacting you. The written notice should include:
If you choose to send a letter to the collection department in refute of the debt within 30 days of receiving the written notice, they cannot legally continue to request payment. Be sure to keep a copy of your letter and the written notice for your personal record. In regards to sending the letter, it needs to be sent via certified mail; if not, the collector will deny it. The collector can legally resume collection if proof of debt is provided.
It is vital that you keep records of all correspondence between you and the collector. Save any physical documents they may send you as well as voice messages. This information may be crucial evidence if it is discovered that the debt collector violated the law in their collection efforts. According to the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA), debt collectors cannot:
These violations and many more are regularly committed by invasive debt collection departments. You are not obligated endure such treatment. The Florida FDCPA attorneys at The Law Offices of Jibrael S. Hindi can help you recover maximum compensation.
Do not put up with the demands and harassment of these debt collectors. At The Law Offices of Jibrael S. Hindi, we can seek resolution to your debt issues. Put an end to the invasive phone calls today and get paid! Call (844)-JIBRAEL to speak with our team of Florida FDCPA attorneys.